How does our consultation work?

Virtual Consultation

Step 1: Select the hair consultation most suited to your concern in the consultation form.

Step 2: Choose a date and time that suits you best

Step 3: You will receive a video link for your consultation prior to your appointment from your consultant. 

Step 4: Your initial consultation will last approx. 30 minutes. Our expert will go through your concern, expectations, current regime, lifestyle and generate a bespoke routine from the findings.

Step 5: After your Virtual consultation, our experts will check in on progress and to schedule a follow up appointment for a PHYSICAL CONSULTATION if needed.

PHYSICAL CONSULTATION:  is pretty straight forward, complete the form and choose a date and time, you will receive a confirmation via email.

Please provide a detailed information as much as possible.
How much does a consultation cost?

Your initial Virtual consultation is FREE, while physical consultaion will cost €30. After your consultation you will receive a discount code for same amount off your first LVH service or purchase. 

Book a Consultation